Qualification 1
Sat 2/8 -
8:45 AM
7588 The PRIDE |
15295 WARP1 |
13018 The Wright Stuff |
13623 Iron Tacos |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/8 -
8:50 AM
6369 Designosaurs |
11299 CrushBots |
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom? |
9205 Iron Maidens |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/8 -
8:55 AM
15264 LP BullBots |
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing |
10238 TigerBots |
11301 Mustang Gear Gang |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/8 -
9:00 AM
10733 Capitol Hill FTC |
12735 CAATS |
8962 TimeCrafters |
6708 Sour Patch Kids |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/8 -
9:05 AM
10364 Time Pilots |
4644 Robotic Adrenaline |
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles |
9359 The Nerd Herd |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/8 -
9:10 AM
14333 Anonobots |
12528 NextGen |
11117 Autonomice |
9459 Hephaestus |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/8 -
9:15 AM
6369 Designosaurs |
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing |
8962 TimeCrafters |
7588 The PRIDE |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/8 -
9:20 AM
10364 Time Pilots |
10733 Capitol Hill FTC |
15264 LP BullBots |
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom? |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/8 -
9:25 AM
11299 CrushBots |
4644 Robotic Adrenaline |
15295 WARP1 |
11117 Autonomice |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/8 -
9:30 AM
9205 Iron Maidens |
6708 Sour Patch Kids |
14333 Anonobots |
9359 The Nerd Herd |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/8 -
9:35 AM
13018 The Wright Stuff |
10238 TigerBots |
11301 Mustang Gear Gang |
12528 NextGen |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/8 -
9:40 AM
13623 Iron Tacos |
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles |
12735 CAATS |
9459 Hephaestus |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/8 -
9:45 AM
7588 The PRIDE |
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom? |
4644 Robotic Adrenaline |
14333 Anonobots |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/8 -
9:50 AM
11117 Autonomice |
11301 Mustang Gear Gang |
9359 The Nerd Herd |
8962 TimeCrafters |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/8 -
9:55 AM
13018 The Wright Stuff |
9205 Iron Maidens |
10364 Time Pilots |
12735 CAATS |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/8 -
10:00 AM
10238 TigerBots |
9459 Hephaestus |
6708 Sour Patch Kids |
6369 Designosaurs |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/8 -
10:05 AM
10733 Capitol Hill FTC |
13623 Iron Tacos |
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing |
11299 CrushBots |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/8 -
10:10 AM
12528 NextGen |
15264 LP BullBots |
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles |
15295 WARP1 |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/8 -
10:15 AM
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom? |
8962 TimeCrafters |
9459 Hephaestus |
13018 The Wright Stuff |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/8 -
10:20 AM
9359 The Nerd Herd |
12735 CAATS |
7588 The PRIDE |
10238 TigerBots |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/8 -
10:25 AM
15295 WARP1 |
14333 Anonobots |
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing |
10364 Time Pilots |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/8 -
10:30 AM
11117 Autonomice |
15264 LP BullBots |
9205 Iron Maidens |
13623 Iron Tacos |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/8 -
10:35 AM
11299 CrushBots |
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles |
11301 Mustang Gear Gang |
6369 Designosaurs |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/8 -
10:40 AM
12528 NextGen |
4644 Robotic Adrenaline |
10733 Capitol Hill FTC |
6708 Sour Patch Kids |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/8 -
10:45 AM
12735 CAATS |
13018 The Wright Stuff |
14333 Anonobots |
15264 LP BullBots |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/8 -
10:50 AM
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom? |
10238 TigerBots |
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles |
11117 Autonomice |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/8 -
10:55 AM
9459 Hephaestus |
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing |
4644 Robotic Adrenaline |
9205 Iron Maidens |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/8 -
11:00 AM
8962 TimeCrafters |
12528 NextGen |
11299 CrushBots |
7588 The PRIDE |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/8 -
11:05 AM
9359 The Nerd Herd |
15295 WARP1 |
6369 Designosaurs |
10733 Capitol Hill FTC |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/8 -
11:10 AM
6708 Sour Patch Kids |
11301 Mustang Gear Gang |
13623 Iron Tacos |
10364 Time Pilots |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/8 -
11:15 AM
4644 Robotic Adrenaline |
8962 TimeCrafters |
10238 TigerBots |
14333 Anonobots |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/8 -
11:20 AM
9205 Iron Maidens |
7588 The PRIDE |
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles |
10733 Capitol Hill FTC |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/8 -
11:25 AM
13623 Iron Tacos |
6369 Designosaurs |
12528 NextGen |
10364 Time Pilots |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/8 -
11:30 AM
11301 Mustang Gear Gang |
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom? |
15295 WARP1 |
12735 CAATS |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/8 -
11:35 AM
11299 CrushBots |
9359 The Nerd Herd |
15264 LP BullBots |
9459 Hephaestus |
Qualification 36
Sat 2/8 -
11:40 AM
6708 Sour Patch Kids |
11117 Autonomice |
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing |
13018 The Wright Stuff |