Qualification 1
Sat 1/18 -
4:30 AM
15053 Syzygy Robotics / Lakeridge Junior High |
17654 Capstone Middle School Robotics |
12351 Nuclear Minds |
17387 The Boiz |
Qualification 2
Sat 1/18 -
4:35 AM
11002 Die Toaster, Die! |
15252 Powder Panthers |
17282 Cotton Candy Crew |
12154 Highland Hikers |
Qualification 3
Sat 1/18 -
4:40 AM
10722 RoboRaptors |
5804 Botgineers |
16821 Electromagnetic Pulses |
16028 Radioactive Refrigerators Sold Separately |
Qualification 4
Sat 1/18 -
4:45 AM
10694 Chromatic |
15749 OHMS JV (Robo Eagles) |
17230 QH Robotics FTC |
17386 ET^3 |
Qualification 5
Sat 1/18 -
4:50 AM
16748 Rowland Hall Rowbotics |
12384 Checkmate |
5667 Robominers |
13536 Raspado Robotics |
Qualification 6
Sat 1/18 -
4:55 AM
3747 The Hive |
16927 Brighton Robotics |
16120 UMA-CW Marauder Mechanics |
15413 Toaster Medics |
Qualification 7
Sat 1/18 -
5:00 AM
12351 Nuclear Minds |
10694 Chromatic |
17282 Cotton Candy Crew |
10722 RoboRaptors |
Qualification 8
Sat 1/18 -
5:05 AM
17654 Capstone Middle School Robotics |
5667 Robominers |
5804 Botgineers |
15252 Powder Panthers |
Qualification 9
Sat 1/18 -
5:10 AM
17387 The Boiz |
16748 Rowland Hall Rowbotics |
17386 ET^3 |
15413 Toaster Medics |
Qualification 10
Sat 1/18 -
5:15 AM
16821 Electromagnetic Pulses |
16120 UMA-CW Marauder Mechanics |
12154 Highland Hikers |
15053 Syzygy Robotics / Lakeridge Junior High |
Qualification 11
Sat 1/18 -
5:20 AM
3747 The Hive |
15749 OHMS JV (Robo Eagles) |
13536 Raspado Robotics |
11002 Die Toaster, Die! |
Qualification 12
Sat 1/18 -
5:25 AM
16028 Radioactive Refrigerators Sold Separately |
16927 Brighton Robotics |
12384 Checkmate |
17230 QH Robotics FTC |
Qualification 13
Sat 1/18 -
5:30 AM
16120 UMA-CW Marauder Mechanics |
15252 Powder Panthers |
16748 Rowland Hall Rowbotics |
10694 Chromatic |
Qualification 14
Sat 1/18 -
5:35 AM
5667 Robominers |
17386 ET^3 |
11002 Die Toaster, Die! |
16821 Electromagnetic Pulses |
Qualification 15
Sat 1/18 -
6:35 AM
12154 Highland Hikers |
13536 Raspado Robotics |
17230 QH Robotics FTC |
12351 Nuclear Minds |
Qualification 16
Sat 1/18 -
6:40 AM
17282 Cotton Candy Crew |
17387 The Boiz |
16028 Radioactive Refrigerators Sold Separately |
3747 The Hive |
Qualification 17
Sat 1/18 -
6:45 AM
15413 Toaster Medics |
10722 RoboRaptors |
17654 Capstone Middle School Robotics |
12384 Checkmate |
Qualification 18
Sat 1/18 -
6:50 AM
5804 Botgineers |
15053 Syzygy Robotics / Lakeridge Junior High |
16927 Brighton Robotics |
15749 OHMS JV (Robo Eagles) |
Qualification 19
Sat 1/18 -
6:55 AM
13536 Raspado Robotics |
16821 Electromagnetic Pulses |
17387 The Boiz |
10694 Chromatic |
Qualification 20
Sat 1/18 -
7:00 AM
16028 Radioactive Refrigerators Sold Separately |
11002 Die Toaster, Die! |
16748 Rowland Hall Rowbotics |
17654 Capstone Middle School Robotics |
Qualification 21
Sat 1/18 -
7:05 AM
12384 Checkmate |
12351 Nuclear Minds |
15749 OHMS JV (Robo Eagles) |
16120 UMA-CW Marauder Mechanics |
Qualification 22
Sat 1/18 -
7:10 AM
15413 Toaster Medics |
17282 Cotton Candy Crew |
5804 Botgineers |
17230 QH Robotics FTC |
Qualification 23
Sat 1/18 -
7:15 AM
15252 Powder Panthers |
3747 The Hive |
17386 ET^3 |
15053 Syzygy Robotics / Lakeridge Junior High |
Qualification 24
Sat 1/18 -
7:20 AM
16927 Brighton Robotics |
12154 Highland Hikers |
5667 Robominers |
10722 RoboRaptors |
Qualification 25
Sat 1/18 -
7:25 AM
11002 Die Toaster, Die! |
5804 Botgineers |
17387 The Boiz |
16120 UMA-CW Marauder Mechanics |
Qualification 26
Sat 1/18 -
7:30 AM
17386 ET^3 |
17654 Capstone Middle School Robotics |
13536 Raspado Robotics |
17282 Cotton Candy Crew |
Qualification 27
Sat 1/18 -
7:35 AM
15413 Toaster Medics |
5667 Robominers |
15749 OHMS JV (Robo Eagles) |
16028 Radioactive Refrigerators Sold Separately |
Qualification 28
Sat 1/18 -
7:40 AM
12154 Highland Hikers |
12384 Checkmate |
10694 Chromatic |
3747 The Hive |
Qualification 29
Sat 1/18 -
7:45 AM
15053 Syzygy Robotics / Lakeridge Junior High |
17230 QH Robotics FTC |
10722 RoboRaptors |
16748 Rowland Hall Rowbotics |
Qualification 30
Sat 1/18 -
7:50 AM
12351 Nuclear Minds |
16821 Electromagnetic Pulses |
15252 Powder Panthers |
16927 Brighton Robotics |