Qualification 1
6088 I-Bots |
10695 Theta Robotics |
4535 RedNek Robotics 2.0 |
16162 A2Z Robotics |
Qualification 2
14260 Dark Plasma |
12351 Nuclear Minds |
13572 Wolves |
16091 T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym) |
Qualification 3
14319 NIRObots |
14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas |
5687 Cyber Mafia |
17122 Heritage Christian |
Qualification 4
17968 Fass Grohik |
12744 Twin Falls High School |
5667 Robominers |
5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians |
Qualification 5
11973 Riverstone OtterBotix |
10494 GHS Robotics |
16998 JMS Coded Minds |
18059 Gears of War |
Qualification 6
724 RedNek Robotics Wun |
5026 Tesla Coils |
54 Gr3y Matt3r |
11471 Codebusters |
Qualification 7
2997 The Schrute Bots |
13003 Electromanders |
2879 Technical Difficulty |
14127 Lost River Robotics |
Qualification 8
16015 Fire Breathing Farmers |
12384 Checkmate |
17387 The Boiz |
Qualification 9
4535 RedNek Robotics 2.0 |
13572 Wolves |
12744 Twin Falls High School |
11973 Riverstone OtterBotix |
Qualification 10
16162 A2Z Robotics |
5667 Robominers |
14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas |
14260 Dark Plasma |
Qualification 11
13003 Electromanders |
5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians |
724 RedNek Robotics Wun |
10695 Theta Robotics |
Qualification 12
17387 The Boiz |
16998 JMS Coded Minds |
12351 Nuclear Minds |
54 Gr3y Matt3r |
Qualification 13
11471 Codebusters |
14319 NIRObots |
16091 T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym) |
6088 I-Bots |
Qualification 14
2879 Technical Difficulty |
5026 Tesla Coils |
18059 Gears of War |
Qualification 15
16015 Fire Breathing Farmers |
5687 Cyber Mafia |
10494 GHS Robotics |
2997 The Schrute Bots |
Qualification 16
14127 Lost River Robotics |
12384 Checkmate |
17968 Fass Grohik |
17122 Heritage Christian |
Qualification 17
17387 The Boiz |
14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas |
11471 Codebusters |
12744 Twin Falls High School |
Qualification 18
11973 Riverstone OtterBotix |
6088 I-Bots |
13003 Electromanders |
12351 Nuclear Minds |
Qualification 19
724 RedNek Robotics Wun |
16162 A2Z Robotics |
2997 The Schrute Bots |
Qualification 20
4535 RedNek Robotics 2.0 |
16998 JMS Coded Minds |
17968 Fass Grohik |
5026 Tesla Coils |
Qualification 21
17122 Heritage Christian |
16091 T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym) |
16015 Fire Breathing Farmers |
10695 Theta Robotics |
Qualification 22
5687 Cyber Mafia |
13572 Wolves |
5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians |
14127 Lost River Robotics |
Qualification 23
10494 GHS Robotics |
54 Gr3y Matt3r |
5667 Robominers |
2879 Technical Difficulty |
Qualification 24
18059 Gears of War |
12384 Checkmate |
14260 Dark Plasma |
14319 NIRObots |
Qualification 25
16998 JMS Coded Minds |
16091 T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym) |
14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas |
724 RedNek Robotics Wun |
Qualification 26
14127 Lost River Robotics |
16015 Fire Breathing Farmers |
16162 A2Z Robotics |
11973 Riverstone OtterBotix |
Qualification 27
10695 Theta Robotics |
17968 Fass Grohik |
13572 Wolves |
2879 Technical Difficulty |
Qualification 28
11471 Codebusters |
14260 Dark Plasma |
5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians |
Qualification 29
12351 Nuclear Minds |
5667 Robominers |
5026 Tesla Coils |
12384 Checkmate |
Qualification 30
54 Gr3y Matt3r |
2997 The Schrute Bots |
14319 NIRObots |
4535 RedNek Robotics 2.0 |
Qualification 31
17387 The Boiz |
17122 Heritage Christian |
6088 I-Bots |
10494 GHS Robotics |
Qualification 32
12744 Twin Falls High School |
13003 Electromanders |
18059 Gears of War |
5687 Cyber Mafia |
Qualification 33
16998 JMS Coded Minds |
2879 Technical Difficulty |
12384 Checkmate |
11471 Codebusters |
Qualification 34
14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas |
5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians |
16015 Fire Breathing Farmers |
4535 RedNek Robotics 2.0 |
Qualification 35
54 Gr3y Matt3r |
17968 Fass Grohik |
16091 T.W.C.A. (Team Without a Cool Acronym) |
11973 Riverstone OtterBotix |
Qualification 36
2997 The Schrute Bots |
13572 Wolves |
5667 Robominers |
17387 The Boiz |
Qualification 37
10494 GHS Robotics |
14319 NIRObots |
13003 Electromanders |
Qualification 38
5687 Cyber Mafia |
6088 I-Bots |
14260 Dark Plasma |
724 RedNek Robotics Wun |
Qualification 39
10695 Theta Robotics |
14127 Lost River Robotics |
5026 Tesla Coils |
12744 Twin Falls High School |
Qualification 40
17122 Heritage Christian |
16162 A2Z Robotics |
18059 Gears of War |
12351 Nuclear Minds |