Qualification 1
14194 Neocratic Nerds |
13169 Robo Colts |
12763 The Rolling Bots |
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team |
Qualification 2
15739 B.O.B. (Bucket of Bolts) Squad |
14545 Pi•O•Neers |
14532 Splitting Atoms |
4992 Metal Falcons |
Qualification 3
15889 RoboDawgs |
15658 DPHS JagBots Robotics Club |
15676 PVHS Robotics |
5687 Cyber Mafia |
Qualification 4
17044 Bionic Boxers |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
16384 GREAT Bots |
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School |
Qualification 5
17482 9th Island HIGHROLLERS |
12777 Boulder City SuperBots |
14841 Mighty Meadowbots |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
Qualification 6
3050 G-Bots |
12194 Reedbotics G-Force |
13112 Carbon Units |
Qualification 7
13728 Truckee Talos |
15828 Highlander Robotics |
11238 BIG DATA |
11574 Incognito |
Qualification 8
12991 Awkward Silence |
11471 Codebusters |
16552 Air Raid |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
Qualification 9
13799 CCC (Crazy Canary Controllers) |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
15884 Falcon Dynamics - Foothill HS |
13632 Ursa Major |
Qualification 10
13169 Robo Colts |
17044 Bionic Boxers |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
15658 DPHS JagBots Robotics Club |
Qualification 11
17482 9th Island HIGHROLLERS |
14532 Splitting Atoms |
13112 Carbon Units |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
Qualification 12
12777 Boulder City SuperBots |
11238 BIG DATA |
14545 Pi•O•Neers |
12194 Reedbotics G-Force |
Qualification 13
4992 Metal Falcons |
5687 Cyber Mafia |
3050 G-Bots |
12991 Awkward Silence |
Qualification 14
14194 Neocratic Nerds |
13799 CCC (Crazy Canary Controllers) |
15828 Highlander Robotics |
15889 RoboDawgs |
Qualification 15
16552 Air Raid |
15884 Falcon Dynamics - Foothill HS |
14841 Mighty Meadowbots |
13728 Truckee Talos |
Qualification 16
16384 GREAT Bots |
13632 Ursa Major |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
15676 PVHS Robotics |
Qualification 17
15739 B.O.B. (Bucket of Bolts) Squad |
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School |
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team |
Qualification 18
11574 Incognito |
12763 The Rolling Bots |
11471 Codebusters |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
Qualification 19
15658 DPHS JagBots Robotics Club |
4992 Metal Falcons |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
12194 Reedbotics G-Force |
Qualification 20
15889 RoboDawgs |
15884 Falcon Dynamics - Foothill HS |
17482 9th Island HIGHROLLERS |
13169 Robo Colts |
Qualification 21
5687 Cyber Mafia |
12777 Boulder City SuperBots |
13112 Carbon Units |
13728 Truckee Talos |
Qualification 22
14532 Splitting Atoms |
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team |
13799 CCC (Crazy Canary Controllers) |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
Qualification 23
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School |
15828 Highlander Robotics |
14841 Mighty Meadowbots |
Qualification 24
16118 52! McQueen HS |
15676 PVHS Robotics |
12763 The Rolling Bots |
16552 Air Raid |
Qualification 25
11574 Incognito |
3050 G-Bots |
14194 Neocratic Nerds |
15739 B.O.B. (Bucket of Bolts) Squad |
Qualification 26
11471 Codebusters |
14545 Pi•O•Neers |
16384 GREAT Bots |
Qualification 27
12991 Awkward Silence |
11238 BIG DATA |
13632 Ursa Major |
17044 Bionic Boxers |
Qualification 28
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
12194 Reedbotics G-Force |
13169 Robo Colts |
14841 Mighty Meadowbots |
Qualification 29
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
5687 Cyber Mafia |
14532 Splitting Atoms |
Qualification 30
13728 Truckee Talos |
12763 The Rolling Bots |
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School |
13799 CCC (Crazy Canary Controllers) |
Qualification 31
16384 GREAT Bots |
17482 9th Island HIGHROLLERS |
15658 DPHS JagBots Robotics Club |
11574 Incognito |
Qualification 32
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team |
15828 Highlander Robotics |
15884 Falcon Dynamics - Foothill HS |
4992 Metal Falcons |
Qualification 33
12991 Awkward Silence |
13112 Carbon Units |
15889 RoboDawgs |
15739 B.O.B. (Bucket of Bolts) Squad |
Qualification 34
13632 Ursa Major |
14545 Pi•O•Neers |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
16552 Air Raid |
Qualification 35
3050 G-Bots |
17044 Bionic Boxers |
12777 Boulder City SuperBots |
11471 Codebusters |
Qualification 36
15676 PVHS Robotics |
11238 BIG DATA |
14194 Neocratic Nerds |
Qualification 37
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team |
16384 GREAT Bots |
13728 Truckee Talos |
12194 Reedbotics G-Force |
Qualification 38
14841 Mighty Meadowbots |
15658 DPHS JagBots Robotics Club |
14532 Splitting Atoms |
12991 Awkward Silence |
Qualification 39
15828 Highlander Robotics |
15492 ELrobotiKO |
12763 The Rolling Bots |
15739 B.O.B. (Bucket of Bolts) Squad |
Qualification 40
11471 Codebusters |
13632 Ursa Major |
4992 Metal Falcons |
15889 RoboDawgs |
Qualification 41
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
13112 Carbon Units |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
14194 Neocratic Nerds |
Qualification 42
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School |
15884 Falcon Dynamics - Foothill HS |
11238 BIG DATA |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
Qualification 43
15676 PVHS Robotics |
14545 Pi•O•Neers |
3050 G-Bots |
13799 CCC (Crazy Canary Controllers) |
Qualification 44
5687 Cyber Mafia |
16552 Air Raid |
17044 Bionic Boxers |
17482 9th Island HIGHROLLERS |
Qualification 45
11574 Incognito |
13169 Robo Colts |
12777 Boulder City SuperBots |
Qualification 46
12194 Reedbotics G-Force |
14532 Splitting Atoms |
13632 Ursa Major |
14194 Neocratic Nerds |
Qualification 47
11238 BIG DATA |
15889 RoboDawgs |
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team |
16158 VC Silver Circuits |
Qualification 48
15658 DPHS JagBots Robotics Club |
13112 Carbon Units |
14545 Pi•O•Neers |
15884 Falcon Dynamics - Foothill HS |
Qualification 49
15739 B.O.B. (Bucket of Bolts) Squad |
13728 Truckee Talos |
11471 Codebusters |
17482 9th Island HIGHROLLERS |
Qualification 50
13169 Robo Colts |
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School |
16552 Air Raid |
3050 G-Bots |
Qualification 51
12763 The Rolling Bots |
16384 GREAT Bots |
12777 Boulder City SuperBots |
12991 Awkward Silence |
Qualification 52
15492 ELrobotiKO |
16118 52! McQueen HS |
13799 CCC (Crazy Canary Controllers) |
11574 Incognito |
Qualification 53
17044 Bionic Boxers |
14841 Mighty Meadowbots |
4992 Metal Falcons |
15676 PVHS Robotics |
Qualification 54
15828 Highlander Robotics |
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics |
5687 Cyber Mafia |