Macon League League

League Information
League Code macon22
Location Macon
Teams 6
Region Georgia
Parent League Southern Georgia Region
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Ranking Points Tie Breaker 1 Tie Breaker 2 High Score Played Counted
1 18389 1,152 191 648 140 29 10
2 14264 984 228 453 140 23 10
3 4221 954 147 608 136 29 10
4 17694 940 135 638 121 29 10
5 17167 116 20 82 54 5 5
6 20692 0 0 0 0 0 0
Code Name Location Date
USGAMCM1 GA Macon Meet 1 Macon, GA, USA 11/13/21
USGAMCM2 GA Macon Meet 2 Macon, GA, USA 12/11/21
USGAMCM3 GA Macon Meet 3 Macon, GA, USA 12/11/21
USGAMCM4 GA Macon Meet 4 Macon, GA, USA 1/8/22
USGAMCM5 GA Macon Meet 5 Macon, GA, USA 1/8/22
Number Name From
17167 TrojanBots Fort Valley, GA, USA
14264 Somewhat Productive Macon, GA, USA
4221 Smíða Syndicate Macon, GA, USA
20692 Cobra Tech Division Jeffersonville, GA, USA
18389 Mary Persons HS1 - "Serverous" Forsyth, GA, USA
17694 FTC#17694 The Norse Awakens Butler, GA, USA