Qualification 1
6055 GearTicks |
4029 2 Bits and a Byte |
8227 Enginuity |
19460 Hawk Robotics --The Ryken Force |
Qualification 2
20808 Spartans |
15643 The 'Rock Bots |
10331 ARC Hailstorm |
11723 Canton GearHounds |
Qualification 3
18754 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect (GNCE) |
15089 Circuit Breakers |
18224 Lupine |
7571 Alumineers |
Qualification 4
3565 Ghost Robotics |
17218 Brookline Bots |
8379 The Parity Bits |
5897 HackHers |
Qualification 5
1 Team Unlimited |
12589 Pioneer Robotics |
18524 Excalibur |
4096 T-10 ("T minus Ten") |
Qualification 6
5273 ARC Thunder |
6040 Canton Robodogs |
22059 Overclocked |
15202 The Middle Dippers |
Qualification 7
19411 Tech Tigers |
4410 ARC Lightning |
9326 Liquid Oxygen |
22489 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect - Diamond |
Qualification 8
13406 Consistently Inconsistent |
19667 Bionic Bishops |
4466 R.A.B.B.I. |
13620 The Winsor Wildbots |
Qualification 9
19397 Soli Deo Gloria |
9006 Austin Prep Crusaders |
22618 MS Robotics Artemis |
14273 Sense & Sound Robotics |
Qualification 10
17218 Brookline Bots |
4029 2 Bits and a Byte |
15089 Circuit Breakers |
20808 Spartans |
Qualification 11
18224 Lupine |
8227 Enginuity |
3565 Ghost Robotics |
11723 Canton GearHounds |
Qualification 12
12589 Pioneer Robotics |
6055 GearTicks |
7571 Alumineers |
22059 Overclocked |
Qualification 13
19460 Hawk Robotics --The Ryken Force |
18754 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect (GNCE) |
15202 The Middle Dippers |
8379 The Parity Bits |
Qualification 14
5273 ARC Thunder |
22489 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect - Diamond |
15643 The 'Rock Bots |
1 Team Unlimited |
Qualification 15
13620 The Winsor Wildbots |
9326 Liquid Oxygen |
6040 Canton Robodogs |
22618 MS Robotics Artemis |
Qualification 16
10331 ARC Hailstorm |
9006 Austin Prep Crusaders |
19667 Bionic Bishops |
5897 HackHers |
Qualification 17
4410 ARC Lightning |
4466 R.A.B.B.I. |
18524 Excalibur |
19397 Soli Deo Gloria |
Qualification 18
14273 Sense & Sound Robotics |
19411 Tech Tigers |
4096 T-10 ("T minus Ten") |
13406 Consistently Inconsistent |
Qualification 19
3565 Ghost Robotics |
20808 Spartans |
12589 Pioneer Robotics |
19460 Hawk Robotics --The Ryken Force |
Qualification 20
8379 The Parity Bits |
7571 Alumineers |
4029 2 Bits and a Byte |
1 Team Unlimited |
Qualification 21
22059 Overclocked |
13620 The Winsor Wildbots |
22489 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect - Diamond |
11723 Canton GearHounds |
Qualification 22
8227 Enginuity |
18754 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect (GNCE) |
22618 MS Robotics Artemis |
15643 The 'Rock Bots |
Qualification 23
18524 Excalibur |
17218 Brookline Bots |
6055 GearTicks |
19667 Bionic Bishops |
Qualification 24
6040 Canton Robodogs |
4096 T-10 ("T minus Ten") |
4410 ARC Lightning |
10331 ARC Hailstorm |
Qualification 25
5897 HackHers |
5273 ARC Thunder |
19397 Soli Deo Gloria |
13406 Consistently Inconsistent |
Qualification 26
15089 Circuit Breakers |
9326 Liquid Oxygen |
15202 The Middle Dippers |
14273 Sense & Sound Robotics |
Qualification 27
9006 Austin Prep Crusaders |
18224 Lupine |
4466 R.A.B.B.I. |
19411 Tech Tigers |
Qualification 28
13620 The Winsor Wildbots |
7571 Alumineers |
20808 Spartans |
8227 Enginuity |
Qualification 29
22618 MS Robotics Artemis |
8379 The Parity Bits |
19667 Bionic Bishops |
22059 Overclocked |
Qualification 30
22489 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect - Diamond |
12589 Pioneer Robotics |
6040 Canton Robodogs |
17218 Brookline Bots |
Qualification 31
1 Team Unlimited |
4410 ARC Lightning |
13406 Consistently Inconsistent |
18754 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect (GNCE) |
Qualification 32
4029 2 Bits and a Byte |
18524 Excalibur |
14273 Sense & Sound Robotics |
3565 Ghost Robotics |
Qualification 33
19460 Hawk Robotics --The Ryken Force |
18224 Lupine |
4096 T-10 ("T minus Ten") |
5897 HackHers |
Qualification 34
15643 The 'Rock Bots |
15202 The Middle Dippers |
9006 Austin Prep Crusaders |
6055 GearTicks |
Qualification 35
11723 Canton GearHounds |
19397 Soli Deo Gloria |
19411 Tech Tigers |
15089 Circuit Breakers |
Qualification 36
4466 R.A.B.B.I. |
10331 ARC Hailstorm |
9326 Liquid Oxygen |
5273 ARC Thunder |
Qualification 37
13406 Consistently Inconsistent |
22618 MS Robotics Artemis |
7571 Alumineers |
22489 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect - Diamond |
Qualification 38
19667 Bionic Bishops |
4410 ARC Lightning |
8227 Enginuity |
12589 Pioneer Robotics |
Qualification 39
22059 Overclocked |
1 Team Unlimited |
20808 Spartans |
18224 Lupine |
Qualification 40
5897 HackHers |
14273 Sense & Sound Robotics |
18754 Galactic Narwhal Chicken Effect (GNCE) |
6040 Canton Robodogs |
Qualification 41
15643 The 'Rock Bots |
3565 Ghost Robotics |
13620 The Winsor Wildbots |
15089 Circuit Breakers |
Qualification 42
5273 ARC Thunder |
18524 Excalibur |
19460 Hawk Robotics --The Ryken Force |
9006 Austin Prep Crusaders |
Qualification 43
9326 Liquid Oxygen |
8379 The Parity Bits |
6055 GearTicks |
19397 Soli Deo Gloria |
Qualification 44
15202 The Middle Dippers |
19411 Tech Tigers |
4029 2 Bits and a Byte |
10331 ARC Hailstorm |
Qualification 45
11723 Canton GearHounds |
4096 T-10 ("T minus Ten") |
17218 Brookline Bots |
4466 R.A.B.B.I. |