Qualification 1
17796 Caffeinated Mechanics |
24454 Pixelated Porpoise |
15930 Pirates |
13833 Deep Space Dolphins |
Qualification 2
15654 Nanoknights |
4902 Team Novabots |
12302 G-P Robotics: Synergy |
10862 Droid Rage - Nebula |
Qualification 3
9923 Team AAA |
9728 The Bear Claws |
12339 CSP |
18458 Droid Rage - Zenith |
Qualification 4
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom |
16828 G-P Robotics: Fusion |
11924 Zero Ohms |
24764 Twisted Transistor |
Qualification 5
16832 G-P Robotics: Unity |
23593 G-PMS Robotics |
15725 G-P Robotics: Dissension |
23668 Cyber Stampede |
Qualification 6
12359 Sharp Sharks |
13266 Droid Rage - Apex |
13744 Enginerds |
16831 G-P Robotics: Entropy |
Qualification 7
15654 Nanoknights |
23835 Taft Greyhounds |
13833 Deep Space Dolphins |
12339 CSP |
Qualification 8
11924 Zero Ohms |
12302 G-P Robotics: Synergy |
24454 Pixelated Porpoise |
9923 Team AAA |
Qualification 9
16832 G-P Robotics: Unity |
10862 Droid Rage - Nebula |
9728 The Bear Claws |
17796 Caffeinated Mechanics |
Qualification 10
15725 G-P Robotics: Dissension |
15930 Pirates |
12359 Sharp Sharks |
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom |
Qualification 11
13744 Enginerds |
23668 Cyber Stampede |
4902 Team Novabots |
23835 Taft Greyhounds |
Qualification 12
18458 Droid Rage - Zenith |
16828 G-P Robotics: Fusion |
23593 G-PMS Robotics |
13266 Droid Rage - Apex |
Qualification 13
10862 Droid Rage - Nebula |
16831 G-P Robotics: Entropy |
9923 Team AAA |
24764 Twisted Transistor |
Qualification 14
24454 Pixelated Porpoise |
12359 Sharp Sharks |
15654 Nanoknights |
17796 Caffeinated Mechanics |
Qualification 15
4902 Team Novabots |
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom |
12339 CSP |
16832 G-P Robotics: Unity |
Qualification 16
23835 Taft Greyhounds |
9728 The Bear Claws |
13266 Droid Rage - Apex |
11924 Zero Ohms |
Qualification 17
12302 G-P Robotics: Synergy |
13744 Enginerds |
13833 Deep Space Dolphins |
23593 G-PMS Robotics |
Qualification 18
16831 G-P Robotics: Entropy |
23668 Cyber Stampede |
15930 Pirates |
16828 G-P Robotics: Fusion |
Qualification 19
24764 Twisted Transistor |
15725 G-P Robotics: Dissension |
18458 Droid Rage - Zenith |
15654 Nanoknights |
Qualification 20
9923 Team AAA |
12359 Sharp Sharks |
23835 Taft Greyhounds |
16832 G-P Robotics: Unity |
Qualification 21
17796 Caffeinated Mechanics |
23593 G-PMS Robotics |
11924 Zero Ohms |
12339 CSP |
Qualification 22
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom |
16831 G-P Robotics: Entropy |
9728 The Bear Claws |
12302 G-P Robotics: Synergy |
Qualification 23
24454 Pixelated Porpoise |
15725 G-P Robotics: Dissension |
16828 G-P Robotics: Fusion |
13744 Enginerds |
Qualification 24
13266 Droid Rage - Apex |
15930 Pirates |
24764 Twisted Transistor |
4902 Team Novabots |
Qualification 25
18458 Droid Rage - Zenith |
13833 Deep Space Dolphins |
23668 Cyber Stampede |
10862 Droid Rage - Nebula |
Qualification 26
16832 G-P Robotics: Unity |
11924 Zero Ohms |
16831 G-P Robotics: Entropy |
15654 Nanoknights |
Qualification 27
17796 Caffeinated Mechanics |
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom |
13744 Enginerds |
9923 Team AAA |
Qualification 28
24764 Twisted Transistor |
24454 Pixelated Porpoise |
23593 G-PMS Robotics |
9728 The Bear Claws |
Qualification 29
12339 CSP |
13266 Droid Rage - Apex |
10862 Droid Rage - Nebula |
15725 G-P Robotics: Dissension |
Qualification 30
15930 Pirates |
12302 G-P Robotics: Synergy |
23835 Taft Greyhounds |
18458 Droid Rage - Zenith |
Qualification 31
13833 Deep Space Dolphins |
4902 Team Novabots |
16828 G-P Robotics: Fusion |
12359 Sharp Sharks |
Qualification 32
23668 Cyber Stampede |
15654 Nanoknights |
24454 Pixelated Porpoise |
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom |