Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Missouri State Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code 2019MOC1
Dates Event Complete (Week 26 since kickoff)
Saturday, March 7 to Saturday, 07 March 2020
Venue Missouri University of Science and Technology
Gale Bullman Center
Rolla, MO USA
Region Missouri
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 51
Number Name
3409 Astromechs
3591 The QUARKS
3658 The BOSONS
3664 Girls With Attitude
3665 Leopold GearHeads
4194 Silent Reign
4587 Red Hot Techie Peppers
4964 Rolla Patriots
5095 The LEPTONS
5119 The BARYONS
5227 Galactech
5439 The GLUONS
5703 Doppler Effect
5893 Direct Current
5905 Camdenton FTC LASER Middle School #1
6168 Maniacal Mechanics
6547 Cobalt Colts
7139 KHS Robotics
7357 Team Titanium Tech
7424 Robotic Warriors
7547 JoeBotics
8403 Kilobytes
8461 Elementary My Dear Botson
8671 Dragons
8856 Springfield Robotics "Aluminum Falcons"
9102 Ravonics Orion
9106 Ravonics Genesis
9612 Oakville Lasagnaneers
9808 Team Chargers
9856 K-9(856)
9911 Rampage
10123 Springfield Robotics "The Riveters"
10127 Tesla's Knights
10173 Ravonics Gemini
10265 Force Green
10588 The LUXONS
11126 Revolution Robotics
11203 DURT (DeSmet Ultimate Robotics Team)
11659 Wheaton Robodogs
11678 Arrow Flight
12381 Tiger_STEAM Black
12427 Bot of Steel
13132 Miner Clue
13306 St. Pius X High School
13737 Belton Cyber Pirates
14186 P3
14548 Eldon Gearheads Gold Team
14858 Wildcat Robotics
14963 Automated Chivalry
16309 Stealth Panther Robotics FTC
16446 ProBots
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