Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the VA FIRST Chesapeake Regional Championship - Submarines Division can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Division Of VA FIRST Chesapeake Regional Championship
Dates Event Complete (Week 29 since kickoff)
Friday, April 8 to Saturday, 09 April 2022
Venue Hampton Coliseum
1000 Coliseum Dr
Hampton, VA USA
Region Chesapeake
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 40
Number Name
226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226
965 The League of Incompetent Gentlemen
3583 Cybirds
3796 Talons
4451 Fighting Foxes
4634 FROGbots
4924 Red Beard Pandas
5178 Mech Hawks
8094 Robotic Rampage
8702 Innovotics
9530 Honey Nut Gearios
9794 Wizards.exe
10515 Xtreme Voltage
11112 RoboLords
11215 CheckSum
11695 DéJàva
12096 Absolute Zero
12847 ERA
13353 Circuit Breakers
13599 BruinBots
14169 BC4H Partytime ^s
14607 Robot Uprising
15167 Robo Troopers
15304 CircuiTree
15317 HHS Robotics - Error Code 404
16439 AlphaGo
16502 S.W.A.T.
16829 Radioactive
17150 Trojans
17971 Helix Hackers
18305 Singularity
19396 Cyb0rgs
19434 Redstone Mechanics
19753 StarStruck
19941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe
20096 The Sentinels
20123 Cryptic
20259 Quantum Falcon
20447 Turing Squad