Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the MI Detroit FTC Qualifier can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USMIDEQ
Dates Event Complete (Week 12 since kickoff)
Friday, December 2 to Saturday, 03 December 2022
Venue University of Detroit Mercy
4001 W McNichols Rd.
Detroit, MI USA
Region Michigan - FiM
Website https://firstinmichigan.us/FTC/events/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 31
Number Name
8777 The Goonies
10210 Aztechs
10280 TechnoLions
12326 WIMA MechaniCats
13647 Code Red Robotics - M.E.D.I.C.S.
13998 GFU-PantherBots
13999 P3A Robotechs
14000 Dixon... The REBOOT
14001 Tech Tigers FTC
14003 The Sampson Webber Sampson-ites
14005 Robo-Eagles
14007 Rockin Robo Kidz
14010 Techno Phoenix
14759 BOTcat Brainiacs
15834 Garvey Academy
15835 Bates Academy Astrobots
16297 Dragon Tech
16714 Dread Bolts
17290 Hamilton RoboSoul Robotics
17775 Surge SW
17776 Breakers West
18472 RoboKnights
18474 The Robotic Bulldogs
20282 Marion Law Academy
20852 BOTcat Bosses
20853 Holmes Comp Team 1
20854 Holmes Comp Team 2
21340 Crimson Claws
21427 Techno Wizards
21791 G-Force
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