Event Information
Event Information
Basic information about the WA Washington Tech Invitational can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages
are local to the event.
Event Code | USWABES4 |
Dates |
Event Complete (Week 19 since kickoff) Saturday, January 21 to Saturday, 21 January 2023 |
Venue |
Interlake High School 16245 NE 24th St Bellevue, WA USA |
Region | Washington |
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below.
In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 20
Number |
Name |
417 | S.K.I.D. (Space Koalas In Disguise) |
6220 | DRIFT (Dinosaurs Racing in Food Trucks) |
8693 | Scarabs |
8923 | TWIST |
11138 | Robo Eclipse |
11970 | Titanium Talons |
12808 | RevAmped Robotics |
14343 | Escape Velocity |
15337 | Alpha Intelligence |
16750 | Technototes |
17077 | Adna Robotics |
17595 | Beta Bionix |
18225 | High Definition |
19669 | Systematic Chaos |
19708 | The Emerald Bots |
20345 | Kobalt Klaws |
20403 | Technototes 2 |
21301 | Electric Wolves |
21336 | I Forgot |
22556 | Rush Job |