Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the WA Pasteur Interleague Tournament can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USWAPALT1
Dates Event Complete (Week 15 since kickoff)
Sunday, December 18 to Sunday, 18 December 2022
Venue Henry M. Jackson High School
1508 136th St SE
Mill Creek, WA USA
Region Washington
League Pasteur
7 teams advance to Washington State Championship
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 31
417 S.K.I.D. (Space Koalas In Disguise)
2939 MekoNeko
3231 NekoMeko
3543 Titan Robotics Club
3805 Atomic Robotics
4042 Nonstandard Deviation
6220 DRIFT (Dinosaurs Racing in Food Trucks)
7330 Nocturnal
7462 Not to Scale
8103 null robotics
8923 TWIST
9884 void robotics
11109 Pirate Tekerz
11138 Robo Eclipse
14246 Robotrons
14343 Escape Velocity
14563 Teriffic Tech Bots
15203 undefined robotics
16113 RoboGOATs
16643 Weasel Eggs
16750 Technototes
18015 Omega Squad
19929 JUGNU
20175 RoboBobo
20403 Technototes 2
21506 The Comets
21764 VelociTekerz
21871 Fruity Flames Deux
22033 The Electrogizers
22251 Mega Ravens
22556 Rush Job
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