Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the SoCal ILT7 - Monrovia Sunday can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Dates Event Approaching (Week 24 since kickoff)
Sunday, February 16 to Sunday, 16 February 2025
Team Capacity 33
Venue Monrovia High School
845 W Colorado Blvd
Monrovia, CA USA
Region California - Los Angeles
Volunteer Register to volunteer for this event
Website https://socalftc.org/
Event Results

Match Participants 35
Number Name
1138 Eagle Engineering
4348 RoboKnights
5325 The Muses
5363 YULA Varsity
9600 YULA Girls
9887 CyberDragons N.M.N.E.
9894 RoboLions
13273 MilkenKnightsMS1
13641 YULA Boys - JV
14863 RGB
16795 Galaxy
17176 Fax Machine
19900 Qualia Robotics
21325 CyberKnights
21341 Team Fenix
21788 Beta Rocks
21936 SaMoTech
22030 RobTot
22082 Ziptide
22472 Mechahorn
22498 Robo Lions
22676 UNIverse
22740 Bot Bot
22813 Life ... is Robots
23301 LeXT--Pear Where
23895 FaxByte
24006 LeXT--Watermelon Why
25628 Jaguarnauts
26659 Robo Panthers
26836 Technical Outliers - CHIME 1
26917 The Davinivators
27055 Palibotics
27299 Samotech Cyberquakes
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